Negotiate your Worth: Successful Salary Negotiation (for Women, for Men)

  • 17th June 2024
  • HeadsQuarter (3rd Floor), Uraniastrasse 31, 8001 Zurich
  •  07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
  • Physical

Event Detail Information

Note:  Content and audience of the event is inclusive of all genders, and not exclusively focused on women. 

Event Schedule

18:30 - 19:00

Doors Open

19:00 - 19:05


Dana Matache, Founding Partner / CEO, BOAVISTA AG

19:05 - 19:25

Speech: Women Salary Negotiation

Dana Matache, Founding Partner / CEO, BOAVISTA AG

Doris Fiala, Former National Councillor and entrepreneur in risk management

(8 mins Q&A Session)

19:25 - 20:25

Exercises and Tools on Negotiate Your Worth: Salary Negotiation for Women

Dana Matache, Founding Partner / CEO, BOAVISTA AG

Marcel Deveny, MBA (IMD MBA 2004), Trainer at: Harvard, Columbia, LBS, IMD, Advance CH, The Boardroom
(15 mins Q&A Session)

20:25 - 21:25

Networking Apero